Wednesday 14 December 2011

Vitamin E Is Critical When It Comes To Avoiding Hair Loss

All through our lives we care for our hair. It starts with our parents worrying about us getting cradle cap, and it progresses through cuts, curls, styling, coloring, washing, conditioning, and sometimes even shaving. Everything we do is designed to make us look as attractive as we can be, something which is important to us at all ages. So when hair starts to fall out, it can be a devastating experience. In attempts to make their hair look thicker, people use hair pieces, scalp coloration, comb-overs, and anything else they can think of. Still, no matter what they do, the problem of thinning hair remains. Did you know that part of the reason you've been losing hair could be a lack of vitamin E in your diet?

E is an essential nutrient for many parts of your body. Hair and skin both benefit greatly from having enough of it in your diet. You can't have a healthy scalp, follicles, and hair without it. If your diet is rich in such foods as eggs, soya beans, nuts, broccoli, seeds, olive oil, wheat germ, and avocados, then you probably are ingesting as much vitamin E as you need. However, the diets of many Americans lack a lot of these foods which means that they need to provide an alternative source of the vitamin if their bodies are going to remain healthy. Ideally a person will love the items on the list, but the reality is that most of us either don't care for them or don't even think to include them on a daily basis.

Once again you're being forced to find alternative ways of getting the E that you need. Almonds are a great source of the vitamin, and there are many very tasty kinds of almonds to choose from. Remember, however, that almonds do add calories to your diet, so you won't want to overindulge.

Massaging your scalp with vitamin E oil can lead to both increased blood and oxygen being circulated to that area. To decrease your hair loss, you will need to conduct a massage once a week for approximately 4 to 5 months in order to notice a reversal of the problem. Rub the oil into your scalp, cover your head with a towel, and let everything rest for 1-3 hours before washing the oil out with a mild shampoo. A mixture of almond and coconut oil has also been proven to be an effective massage medium.

You will also find various vitamin E supplements which can be taken in pill form. In this day in age, there's no reason for allowing your body to experience a deficiency of vitamin E, and if you raise your intake to appropriate levels, you just may see your hair start to thicken again.

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