Wednesday 14 December 2011

What Can You Do To Slow Hair Loss?

Losing hair at any age can be devastating. More than that, losing hair can be like losing your ego. Men and women go through the same stages of apprehension and wonder how much hair they will lose.

Questions are asked every day as to how long will it last and will it ever grow back? Sure there are a lot of hair treatment programs out on the market, but which one of them will work for you?

There are options that men can take and save a lot of money. One of those options is to admit that hair loss is part of their life and to go ahead and shave their head.

Sure that sounds drastic but it solve a lot of problems. Women on the other hand want to experience life better than that. There are companies that state that by analyzing hair strands that they can determine what nutritional deficiency is identified. Find out what it is and replenish your body with what it needs and hair will start growing back.

The findings on this type of treatment plan are inconsistent and many variables can affect the results of the analysis. So this is not a way to guarantee hair growth.

But there are some remedies that can at least slow the progress of hair loss. These remedies can be used with relative assurance that they will work on women's hair more often than not.

Let's take a look at some of these remedies that are available for people to try.

Aloe Vera has been around for a long time and is readily available on the counters of health stores and pharmacies. This product contains ingredients that are known for nourishing the hair and stimulating the scalp. Taking it as a topical ointment is best because it allows the scalp to be massaged at the same time. There are a lot of good effects that this product can do for you and is worth a try.

Scalp Massage Technique can go hand in hand with the Aloe Vera product. Invigorating the scalp and contracting the muscles all over the head can make you feel good and also allow the cream to seep into the scalp. Anything you can do to pronounce movement of the scalp is beneficial.

From wiggling the ears, raising the eyebrows to the actually massaging of the scalp can do wonders with hair growth.

Herbal remedies can also help in the quest for hair growth. Taking into combination the topical treatment plan, massaging the scalp and taking green tea on a regular basis is healthful and beneficial for your body and your hair.

There are many ways to promote hair growth and this article has just touched one way to do this. Starting out with a treatment plan using these techniques mentioned can help slow down hair loss.

Hair Loss Treatment - Two Proven Ways To Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss is a very common problem nowadays. Although many people think that only men are vulnerable to hair loss, the fact is that women can also suffer from this problem. In this article I will write about the most common causes of hair fall and some popular ways of treatment.


There are many various causes of the condition, however, androgenetic alopecia causes hair loss problems in more than 70% of people. Both men and women can suffer from it. If you have androgenetic alopecia, your hair will not fall off instantly. First, it will become much thinner and only then you will notice that your hairline is receding. Poor nutrition, hormonal changes and some medications as well as forms of medical treatment can also provoke the condition.

Women and teenage girls can notice hair fall during hormonal changes. For example many women can experience this problem during pregnancy. If you one of them - do not worry because, in most cases, your hair will grow back and be normal again after your child is born and hormonal balance in your body is restored.

The Most Popular Treatments

If you are already bald, the most effective way for you is to use surgery. It is expensive, however, you the results are almost instant. I am talking about hair transplant. Your surgeon will move your hair follicles from one part of your body to balding area. It is called Follicular Unit Transplantation or simply FUT. I will not discuss this type of hair loss treatment here but if you are really interested in it, EzineArticles has many great articles around the topic.

If your hair loss is not yet very serious, the best solution for you would be to use minoxidil. This is the only FDA approved topical solution that is clinically tested and is proven to be really effective. Men should use products that contain 5% of minoxidil and women should use products that contain 2% of minoxidil. Personally, when I suffered from excessive hair fall, minoxidil really helped me and I noticed results in two months, however, my scalp was always itching and I had dandruff. These two side effects of minoxidil really annoyed me.

While various topical solutions fight only with the results of the problem, it is also very important to fight with initial causes. You should consume more vitamins, iron and other supplements that are responsible for healthy hair.

Vitamin E Is Critical When It Comes To Avoiding Hair Loss

All through our lives we care for our hair. It starts with our parents worrying about us getting cradle cap, and it progresses through cuts, curls, styling, coloring, washing, conditioning, and sometimes even shaving. Everything we do is designed to make us look as attractive as we can be, something which is important to us at all ages. So when hair starts to fall out, it can be a devastating experience. In attempts to make their hair look thicker, people use hair pieces, scalp coloration, comb-overs, and anything else they can think of. Still, no matter what they do, the problem of thinning hair remains. Did you know that part of the reason you've been losing hair could be a lack of vitamin E in your diet?

E is an essential nutrient for many parts of your body. Hair and skin both benefit greatly from having enough of it in your diet. You can't have a healthy scalp, follicles, and hair without it. If your diet is rich in such foods as eggs, soya beans, nuts, broccoli, seeds, olive oil, wheat germ, and avocados, then you probably are ingesting as much vitamin E as you need. However, the diets of many Americans lack a lot of these foods which means that they need to provide an alternative source of the vitamin if their bodies are going to remain healthy. Ideally a person will love the items on the list, but the reality is that most of us either don't care for them or don't even think to include them on a daily basis.

Once again you're being forced to find alternative ways of getting the E that you need. Almonds are a great source of the vitamin, and there are many very tasty kinds of almonds to choose from. Remember, however, that almonds do add calories to your diet, so you won't want to overindulge.

Massaging your scalp with vitamin E oil can lead to both increased blood and oxygen being circulated to that area. To decrease your hair loss, you will need to conduct a massage once a week for approximately 4 to 5 months in order to notice a reversal of the problem. Rub the oil into your scalp, cover your head with a towel, and let everything rest for 1-3 hours before washing the oil out with a mild shampoo. A mixture of almond and coconut oil has also been proven to be an effective massage medium.

You will also find various vitamin E supplements which can be taken in pill form. In this day in age, there's no reason for allowing your body to experience a deficiency of vitamin E, and if you raise your intake to appropriate levels, you just may see your hair start to thicken again.